So, you want to know how to make money cracking passwords? Well, then, let me point you in the right direction with a warning.
Are you planning on attending DEF CON 32? Check out my guide if this will be your first DEF CON. The helpful tips you need to maximize your DEF CON 32 experience.
My review of Ghost in the Wires: My Adventures as the World’s Most Wanted Hacker, is Kevin Mitnick’s autobiography.
Learn how to make your own Bash code obfuscated backdoor to hide in Linux systems.
Learn how to build obfuscated Bash backdoors with some help from ChatGPT. Can Hackers use ChatGPT to build them the Bash malware they need? Find out in this blog post.
Are you planning on attending DEF CON 31? Check out my guide if this will be your first DEF CON. The helpful tips you need to maximize your DEF CON 31 experience.
The tips you need to know for the Hack The Box Dante Pro Lab challenge. Are you ready for the challenge? My review of Hack The Box’s Dante Pro Lab.
What is the difference between Red Teaming and a Penetration Test? Let’s look at how these two differ and what value they bring.
Learn advanced network tunneling for pentesting. Limited access to a network, no problem! The skills you must know to complete the hack-the-box Dante Pro Lab.
Learn how to build network tunnels for pentesting or day-to-day systems administration. Learn the skills you must know to complete the hack-the-box Dante Pro Lab.