Category Blue Team

Blue Team Cyber Security; Learn the tools and tricks to better secure your servers and network.

Building Custom Company-Specific Wordlists

A custom company-specific wordlist is vital to conducting password audits or blocking weak passwords from being set. Read how you can build a wordlist targeted at your company and defend against weak passwords.

Secure Windows Scheduled Tasks with Managed Service Accounts

How to securely create a Windows Scheduled Task that requires high domain level privileges. Leveraging standalone Managed Service Accounts(sMSA) to automate administrative tasks.

Password Policy Best Practices in 2023

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How to audit and better secure Active Directory passwords. The latest updates to enterprise password policy and best practices. Tips on how you can stay up to date on breaches.

LetsDefend’s Malware Analysis: Suspicious Browser Extension Walk-Through

LetsDefend’s Malware Analysis: Suspicious Browser Extension Walk-Through. Everything you need to know to solve the challenge!

Creating Fun Cybersecurity Tabletop Exercises

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How you can create fun and engaging cybersecurity tabletop exercises at your organization. Fulfill compliance requirements for tabletop exercises or security awareness training with the provided documents.

LetsDefend’s DFIR Challenge: IcedID Malware Family Walk-Through

A walk-through of the IcedID Malware Family for the LetsDefend’s DFIR Challenge. An analysis of the IcedID malware and how to defend against it.

How to Stay on Top of Cybersecurity News

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The top tools and news sources you need to know if you are in cybersecurity. Don’t get caught off guard by an attack!

LetsDefend’s DFIR Challenge: REvil Ransomware Walk-Through

LetsDefend’s DFIR challenge walk-through of the REvil ransomware challenge! Everything you need to know to complete the DFIR challenge.

Automated Sysmon Deployment

Learn how to automate the deployment and configurations of Sysmon in your environment.

AD Hardening: Inactive Computer Objects

Are inactive computer objects plaguing your Active Directory database? Find out how to automatically keep AD clear of old computer objects. Maintain a clean AD database to keep AD secure.

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